Quick Links
Our Quick Links make it easy to navigate and engage with the services provided by the Northern Regional Police Department. Below you will find your gateway to important information and resources. Explore the “Right to Know” tab for transparency and access to public records. Stay informed with our Monthly Statistics tab for the latest data and trends. Access agendas and minutes from our meetings through the Agendas & Meetings tab. Find support and assistance through our Victim Resources tab. Interested in joining our team? Visit the Employment tab for information on career opportunities and recruitment.
Our Standard for Community Oriented Policing
Welcome to the Northern Regional Police Department website. We strive every day to improve on our diligent service, strengthen community/police relations, and continue to keep the crime rate low in our (4) communities.
It is our honor to serve the nearly 33,000 residents with professionalism, dedication and commitment.
To learn more about the Northern Regional Police Department, take time to explore and enjoy the information provided.
Starting on Dec. 26th 2023, the Northern Regional Police Department will also provide Police services to the Borough of Seven Fields and its roughly 3,000 residents. For more information on Seven Fields click here.
We protect the safety
of our citizens

Square Miles

Working in partnership with our community and schools to ensure safety, security and confidence through professional police service in the highest standard.